Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Fear of Flying on Commuter Airline Flights

The Fear of Flying on Commuter Airline Flights

It's amazing how many people are afraid to fly on small commuter airlines. They have no problem getting in a large wide-body jet airliner, but when it comes to a prop driven or turboprop driven aircraft, they become a totally different person; often, scared out of their wits. If you are afraid or have a fear of flying on commuter airline flights, you are not alone.

In fact, I am a pilot myself and I often cringe when I get in a smaller commuter plane.

Indeed, the pilots generally do not have as much experience as those flying the more expensive and larger, and some say considerably safer wide-body passenger jet aircraft. This is because the pay is quite a bit more for flying the larger jet airliners, than the smaller aircraft. Junior pilots work their way up building flight hours so that they have the experience to fly the larger aircraft, so they can make the big dollars.

With so many young inexperienced pilots flying the smaller commuter airlines, they tend to have more accidents. Over the last five years in the United States there have been virtually no fatality crashes of large wide-body jet airliners, whereas, there have been several commuter flights killing hundreds of people over that same period. This is not to say that computer airlines are unsafe, their safety record based on the number of hours they fly is still much safer than driving on a freeway.

In fact, it's about as safe as driving on a bus, and the chances of you getting into an accident or dying on such a commuter flight are very low. Nevertheless, they are much higher than the potential eventuality that you will meet your death on a larger jet aircraft airliner. Please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow thought you should know that commuter airlines do not serve diabetic meals; diabetic diets []

Note: All of Lance Winslow's articles are written by him, not by Automated Software, any Computer Program, or Artificially Intelligent Software. None of his articles are outsourced, PLR Content or written by ghost writers. Lance Winslow believes those who use these strategies lack integrity and mislead the reader. Indeed, those who use such cheating tools, crutches, and tricks of the trade may even be breaking the law by misleading the consumer and misrepresenting themselves in online marketing, which he finds completely unacceptable.

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